
Here we provide information on who is responsible for this website, who is liable for the content of this site, what the copyright situation is on these pages and how to contact us safely.

1. responsible service provider

Responsible for the internet presentation is AMCIS-Vidéo asbl

AMCIS-Vidéo asbl
President: Gilbert Hommel
3, rue de Chauffailles L-4406 Belvaux

Phone : +352 621 161 424

1. liability for content

The content of this website has been researched and implemented with the greatest possible care. However, errors in the processing procedure cannot be ruled out. Despite careful checking, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of this website. We accept no liability whatsoever for any damage or consequences arising from the direct or indirect use of the content offered. As a content provider, we are responsible for our own content that we make available for use in accordance with the general laws. Our links and cross-references (“external links”) to content provided by other service providers are to be distinguished from our own content. This third-party content does not originate from us, nor do we have the possibility of influencing the content of third-party sites. The contents of external sites to which we refer by means of links do not reflect our opinion, but merely serve to provide information and illustrate contexts. We are not liable for third-party content to which we merely refer in the above sense. The responsibility lies solely with the service provider of the content.

2. copyrights

All content published on this website (i.e. text, images, graphics, layout, etc.) is subject to copyright. Any use not permitted by copyright law requires our prior written consent or the consent of the respective copyright holder. This also applies in particular to the editing, translation, duplication, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. The creation of links to our website is generally permitted without requiring our prior consent. We do not permit framing of our pages. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of individual contents or complete pages will be prosecuted under criminal and civil law. Copyright © 2024. AMCIS-Vidéo asbl, All rights reserved.

3. contact us

Communication via e-mail can have security gaps. E-mails – unencrypted, they are the equivalent of sending a postcard – can be intercepted and viewed by experienced third-party Internet users on their way to us. If we receive an e-mail from you, we may assume that we are entitled to reply by simple e-mail. Otherwise, we must expressly refer you to another form of communication. In the customer area, especially after “logging in”, we always use secure transmission technology (e.g. connection via SSL encryption), which you can recognize by the corresponding browser settings when you enter and leave a secure connection via SSL.

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